Things To Do Lists

Things to do lists are one of the most critical tools to get and stay organized and by using these you will learn to:

  • Manage your time more effectively
  • Reduce stress levels
  • Feel a sense of accomplishment
  • Feel in control

When I first transitioned to being a stay at home mom and found myself busy and starting to get disorganized, I started thinking about how I handled my life as a single mom, working full time, going to school, and running a business. How did I do it all?

Write Things Down!

Things To Do Lists

Every night before leaving the office, I would take 5 to 10 minutes to write down all the tasks that needed to get done. Phone calls to make, personal notes and errands, work projects, you name it, and it went on that piece of paper.

Writing tasks down is a great time management tool and some of the best ways to utilize these are as follows:

  • Prioritize and re-prioritize tasks as needed (transfer items that didn't get done from the previous day to the next day and re-prioritize)
  • Project management (keep a master list of your projects and use daily lists to breakdown the tasks as needed)
  • Write everything down that needs to get done from professional to personal tasks
  • Delegate tasks and follow up to check status

Writing tasks out does the following things…

  1. They keep you organized
  2. Calm you down taking away the worry and frenzy of feeling overwhelmed
  3. Make you feel in control
  4. Make you feel good to see the progress made each day

If you're pressed for time at the end of the day, then use other time management tools such as....

Leave yourself reminder voice mails to do something.

Send reminder e-mails to yourself.

I even use my 12 year old to remind me to pick things up as we're walking into a store.

The time management system of writing to do lists has organized my life bringing me more sanity and order and I know it will for you too.

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