Need more bedroom space, which means my scrapbook room has to go....what should I do?

by Ginny
(Little Rock, AR, USA)

So I really love to scrapbook, but we will be needing the room soon. My kitchen area is limited as well as every room in the house. Any ideas of how I may organize my scrapbook stuff in another room without taking a lot of space and still get to it easily? Any ideas are greatly appreciated and welcomed!


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Jun 03, 2011
Comments for Organizing Scrapbooking Materials
by: Samantha

Hi Ginny, there is so much out there on how to organize scrapbook supplies. It all comes down to what you have to organize and the space allotted for it. I do have a couple of pages on the site that go into it. One is how to organize a scrapbooking room here:

The other sounds more suited to your needs in carving out some space for scrapbooking here:

The main ideas to keep in mind are:

Looking at the space you have
Seeing how you will utilize the space
Taking inventory of your scrapbooking supplies (look at how much and what you have to organize)
Organizing the supplies

I do all my scrapbooking in the kitchen, but keep my supplies limited utilizing the kitchen table to lay everything thing out on and storing and organizing it in a small mobile crate that I keep in the hall closet.

Personally if you're going to utilize another room for your scrapbooking, I wouldn't change too much in the way of organization. In other words, I like to keep it simple and inexpensive. Just make sure there's a flat surface to work on.... it could be a multipurpose desk in the family room or bedroom or a coffee table in the den and keep supplies readily available in a storage tote(s) that can be stored away in a closet. Let me know if you have any other questions. I hope this helps.

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