Need Help Organizing Exercise and Studies

by Yasmine
(Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)

Hello, I'm in school and and need some organization in my life.

After class I'll come back home and sleep some then wake up and do my home work. If it's too much home work, I'll procrastinate and put it off until later and sleep instead.

Some days I'll walk an hour, and when I'm free, I just dance to get some cardio in. I would like to workout like this everyday.

I need some habits and routine that will make me more active and make better use of my time.

I do need to lose some weight. I'm Egyptian living in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and it's a country with no sport clubs for girls, or walking in the streets to the mall. Nothing active for women to do outside the home, just from the school to home and from home to school.

I need something to do at home that helps me feel fresh, healthy, and active while at the same time take care of my studies.

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Nov 22, 2010
Comments for Fitting In Exercise and Studying Time
by: Samantha

Habits. You're going to have to develop some healthy habits.

We develop bad habits, so why not develop some good habits? A habit is developed by what? Doing it over and over... getting into a routine.

Make exercise a priority. Brushing your teeth and taking a shower are habits. Think of exercise as the same thing. It's like a shower for the inside of your body. It literally cleans your lungs filling them with fresh air, it drains the lymphatic system, gets the blood pumping, etc.

How to make exercise a priority? Do it first thing NO MATTER WHAT. There's really no other way to develop this healthy habit quicker, but to get up early, exercise, and do it again the next day.

Since you can't go to a gym, do what you're doing now! Dancing is a great way to burn off the weight. If you have a DVD player, make a small investment in some exercise DVD's.

Small hand weights, exercise tubing, and medicine balls are cheap and will go far in helping you develop a fun and effective exercise routine.

You'll be tired the first week or so getting up earlier, but I promise, it will get better and the energy and motivation, not to mention the boost to your self esteem will pay you back soon enough!

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