An efficient and organized kitchen is a must. The kitchen is the heart of the home…and can be the heart of clutter. It can be one of the messiest and most cluttered rooms of the home, but getting it organized pays off not only in time saved, but money too.
You'll save time preparing meals since you'll be able to find what you want. You'll save money since you won't be eating out as much because you'll want to cook in that clean and orderly kitchen.
The keys to good kitchen organization are to remember the purpose of what your are organizing, declutter, break things down into categories, and create a place for everything.
In other words, only store items related to the kitchen in there and keep it simple by breaking items into categories keeping like items together.
Before we begin, it's important to mention fire safety. Please be sure to stock your kitchen with a fire extinguisher that can be used in the kitchen and keep it close to the stove, not buried under the sink.
We had a stove fire this past year in our new stove. We used an all purpose fire extinguisher to put out the fire. In checking with the local fire department, this fire extinguisher was toxic and we had to buy a new stove again! Use a fire extinguisher suitable for kitchen use that is marked BC.
Let's begin our kitchen organization.
The kitchen has several components divided up as follows:
Organize Cookbooks and Recipes
Click on any article above and we'll walk through organization of each of these components.
To get started, you will need to grab some green yard trash bags and a couple of boxes or baskets. Use the trash bags for items you will be tossing and the boxes or baskets for items that belong elsewhere in the house.
Once you've completed organizing the kitchen, keep it that way! Follow these simple steps below and you're guaranteed a clutter free kitchen.
That's all there really is to it. Congratulations you've worked really hard to organize your kitchen. You've set up systems of kitchen organization that will simplify your life and pay you back many times over in saved time and money.
For some excellent deep cleaning tips, you'll want to read the easy to follow tips at weekly kitchen cleaning.
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