I Need Help Organizing All My Paperwork

by Jane
(New York)

Help! My paperwork is out of control. How can I get someone to help me? Price is a factor as I'm on a budget.

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Dec 28, 2010
Comments to Corral Unruly Paperwork
by: Samantha

Hello, yes getting started organizing is hard, it's actually the hardest part. Especially when it comes to paperwork.

My mom, bless her heart, just organized over fifty years worth of family photographs and she is no where near an 'organizer' type... she's an artist, she's really unorganized. What she did was set aside thirty minutes a day to organize the pictures and she was done within a couple of months. We got to enjoy looking at family photos all organized in photo albums over Christmas! She had stressed about this project for years as it really overwhelmed her. Finally one day she meditated on it, relaxed, and just decided to give the project thirty minutes a day.

If you're going to organize your paperwork yourself, follow these steps to keep from getting overwhelmed:
1. Declutter - go through and toss/shred paperwork you no longer need/want.
2. Categorize what's left over. Put your paperwork into categories such as finances, home insurance, auto insurance, taxes, warranties, manuals, etc.
3. Organize the categories. Personally I like hanging files. I have my paperwork organized into hanging files w/manila folders labeled inside each of the hanging files.

Start the new year off right, set some time aside, and get the paperwork organized. Remember that being organized is not a destination, but a journey. I'm constantly changing my organizational systems to suite my family's ever changing needs. The goal is to be able to have an organizational system that works for you and your needs and one that you will use because we want to find that important paper when we need it.

I hope this helps. Good luck and God Bless.

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