This page will teach you how to get your children's books organized. Although, it is geared towards how to organize your kid's books, but the principles can apply to all books.
So, what is the best way to organize books, in particular, children's books? Well, below I am going to share with you how to organize books. I should know because we have six bookshelves full of children's books!
First, the number one rule for safety with kids and book storage is to bolt or anchor bookshelves to the wall to avoid tipping.
My favorite way to store children's books in bookshelves is to stack the books giving kids easy access. Stack books so that when little hands pull out a book, the others don't come crashing down.
I have a couple of different types of bookshelves that I use for book storage in our game room. I have standard bookshelves that I found for a steal at Costco and I have a Canvas Book Case too in a little reading area. You can also purchase a Cubby
for books.
For the standard bookshelves, I store picture books on the bottom shelves in baskets for easy access and storage. On the higher shelves I store the less sturdy, more precious children's books such as ones from my childhood. If a kid wants to read one of these books, I can grab it and read to them.
It's hard and time consuming, but it's so important to teach kids to respect and how to organize books. All my kids love their books and I definitely don't want to discourage this, but I developed this organization system to keep them from ripping and tearing pages out of books. When I pull a special book down to read to them, I take a quick second to explain why books are so special and that we treat them with respect. My greatest hope is that my children can share these books with their children.
I also like the Canvas Book Case that I use in a little reading area by the standard book shelves. Each week we can pick books we like to read throughout the week and store in this book case.
I have taught my kids how to organize books. They know they have a library in the game room and this is where all the books belong, are organized, and stored. Sometimes their books end up in their rooms since they like to read bedtime stories. To keep these books from ending up all over the house, we have a rule that every couple of days or so, books go into a basket in the hall to be filed back in the library. It is also their responsibility to file these back in the library.
Books are a great way to open up other worlds to your children. They also give us an early opportunity to teach our kids about responsibility and respect for books.
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