Chores for kids are good for everyone in the family. We need kids to do chores to teach them responsibility, to be a contributing member to the family, and relieve our workload. You'll be amazed at how much more organized you will be once you get your kids to do their chores.
First, let's talk more about the importance behind chores and why they are good for our kids.
Chores are important early life lessons. One of my favorite psychologists is Alfred Adler. He practiced around the same time as Freud and was every man's psychologist while Freud was a psychologist to the elite.
Adler said that everyone's behavior is purposeful. In other words, there's a reason why we do what we do. He also said we all have basic needs to belong and be accepted by others.
Why am I mentioning Adler and what the heck does he have to do with chores for kids? Well, I apply his basic teachings to raising kids. It's simple, their behavior is purposeful and they have a need to belong and be accepted and giving them chores satisfies these two needs.
Ever notice your kids act up when you're trying to cook dinner or you're on the phone? Although we may think they're acting up to annoy us, they're really just trying to get our attention. That's the purpose behind the bad behavior.
So how do you turn that purposeful behavior around to something positive? Give them something productive to do. Chores! They can set the table while you make dinner, dust the floor boards while you're on the phone, etc. Get creative and give them something productive and positive to do.
Chores for kids works two-fold, they turn negative purposeful behavior into something positive and they satisfy your child's need to belong and be accepted by others. We all have a need to belong and be accepted by others, and although they may not like to do chores, I have found giving kids age appropriate chores and explaining to them the reason for the chores is a great way to:
In other words... they feel like they belong in the family, like they are a part of a team, and they feel accepted too.
That being said, if you utilize chores for kids to teach them to be a positive, contributing member to the family, they will then become positive, contributing members to society.
Heavy stuff, but it's really true and if you keep this in mind when you assign chores for kids, it will work.
For instance, when kids are little, use a lot of praise and explain to them in their terms what a big help they are to you and the family. As kids grow, continue to use a lot of praise and explain to them in their terms why they are doing chores, giving them the big picture of how they are contributing to the family.
I know, I get rolling eyes and hissy fits from my preteen, but I know in my heart that she is becoming a responsible, positive young lady as I see moments of pride in herself when she does a good job.
I highly recommend these two books. This one is a basic look at Adler's work. Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler, and this one Children: The Challenge : Improving Parent-Child Relations by Rudolph Dreikurs who was Adler's colleague. In fact, anything by Dreikurs will improve your family life immensely.
I highly recommend these two books. This one is a basic look at Adler's work. Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler, and this one Children: The Challenge : Improving Parent-Child Relations
by Rudolph Dreikurs who was Adler's colleague. In fact, anything by Dreikurs will improve your family life immensely.
He also wrote Logical Consequences. This book is super cheap, but wonderful in teaching how to discipline children with logical consequences for their actions.
Another great book for raising kids is
Discipline without Tears: A Reassuring and Practical Guide to Teaching Your Child Positive Behavior.
I cannot say enough wonderful things about these books. The theories presented are common sense and easy to apply to everyday life.
All of these books have brought a sense of calm to my otherwise "Type A" parenting personality and drive. I'm more relaxed and so are my kids which, in turn has made them behave better and do their chores as a bonus!
Now that you have the psychology behind chores and how to incorporate life lessons, let's get down to the basics of chores for kids. Click on a link below to walk through how to get your kids to do chores.
You'll definitely want to learn the basics of Age Appropriate Chores if you want to get the most cooperation from your kids.
Toddlers love to be included and feel like a 'big kid'. Learn how to include your little ones in the chore process by making it fun in Fun Toddler Activities.
Learn how to end the chore wars for good. Read this excellent article on appropriate Chores - Ages 5 to 10.
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